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Rainbows End
Vernor Vinge
The Best American Noir of the Century
James Ellroy, Otto Penzler
Gravity's Rainbow
Thomas Pynchon


Lightning - Dean Koontz When I think about the books that shaped my reading tastes, I feel like this was the defining book. So I reread it with a little trepidation. I didn't even want to read others' reviews of it for fear that any criticism would spoil the image I have of it in my head.

I was 11 when my cousin gave me this book to read. With the exception of the classics I was reading at the time, it was the first 'adult' book I remember reading and it set me on my path of this genre...I then started blasting through any Dean Koontz and Stephen King I could get my hands on, even though my mom wasn't thrilled with this turn in my reading choices.

As I started reading it this time around I was convinced that I wouldn't enjoy it as much knowing what was going to happen. I apparently had too much confidence in my memory because after that first chapter I realized that I had no recollection of the actual plotline.

I'm happy to say that I still love this book. I felt like I got to know the characters and really care about them. The action and suspense kept me turning the pages.